Welcome to HideThePornFromTheWife
HideThePornFromTheWife is your own personal online bookmarker. Now
there is no need to
- Explain 'those' websites away when surfing from home
- Risk the wrath of the boss
- Worry about your kids inadvertently visiting your favourite sites.
HideThePornFromTheWife is free to all online bookmarker aimed
purely at the adult market. How you use the system and the contents you
choose to store is entirely up to you the user.
When registering with the system you will need to provide a valid email
address so that you can receive your authentication code. The initial
folders and contents provide are there to get you started - if you
don't like them then don't use them, just delete them and replace them
with content that is more appropriate to your needs.
Note: Although your bookmarks are private to you and you can share them
with as many or as few people as you wish, the servers they reside on are
still governed by the law of the relevant server location country.
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The standard version of this site requires a frame enabled browser.
Unfortunately your browser doesn't appear to have this feature. The old
site can be seen at